Some mornings I wake up grumpy, bitter, and negative.
Some mornings I wake up forgiving, understanding, and gracious.
Some mornings I wake up unforgiving, anxious, and unfulfilled.
Then I wake up inspired. Inspired to be a better wife, a better daughter, a better mother, a better sister, a better granddaughter, a better cousin, a better friend, a better worker. A better version of who I have been for 26 years.
I've nose-dived to rock bottom; but I've also sky-rocketed to the top.
I've witnessed tragedy; but I've also witnessed miracles.
I've listened, but I've learned. I've made mistakes. I've regretted my choices. I've been thankful of my choices.
I have been searching for a specific creative outlet for some time now. I think this blog may be an opportunity to do just that. Something that will allow me to express, feel, listen and observe.
Stay tuned....I have alot to share.